Source code for chaininglib.utils.dfops

import pandas as pd

# beware: just like the files in chaininglib.process, this file contains function operating on DataFrames.
# However the functions in this file are general in the sense that they don't specifically aim at manipulating
# corpus or lexicon data.  
# On the contrary, the functions in chaininglib.process do aim to manipulate corpus or lexicon data, so those
# function don't belong in this general section.

[docs]def check_valid_df(function_name, obj): ''' This function is called by others to check if input is a DataFrame, when it is expected! If the input does not contain a DataFrame, throw an error Args: function_name: the name of the function, so as to be able to show where an error occured obj: the object to be checked Returns: N/A ''' if not (isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(obj, pd.Series)): raise ValueError(function_name+"() requires a Pandas DataFrame as argument. You might have forgotten to use object.kwic().")
[docs]def property_freq(df, column_name): ''' Count values for a certain property in a results DataFrame, and sort them by frequency Args: df: DataFrame with results, one row per found token column_name: Column name (property) to count Returns: a DataFrame of the most values for this property, sorted by frequency. Column 'token count' contains the number of tokens, column 'perc' gives the percentage. ''' # classic group by + count, just like in SQL df = df.groupby(column_name).size() # the new column with the counts is given the name "token count" # and we set a new sequential index df = df.reset_index(name="token count") # sort by count, with the highest on top df = df.sort_values("token count", ascending=False) # set a new sequential index again # (the drop parameter makes sure the old index is NOT added as a column) df = df.reset_index(drop=True) # compute percentage for each total = df.sum(numeric_only=True, axis=0) df["perc"] = df["token count"] / total.iloc[0] return df
[docs]def df_filter(df_column, pattern, method='contains'): ''' Helper function to build some condition to filter a Pandas DataFrame, given a column and some value(s) to filter this column with Args: df_column: a Pandas DataFrame column to filter on pattern: string, set or interval list to filter on method: "contains", "match", isin" or "interval" Returns: a condition >>> words_ending_with_e = df_filter( df_lexicon["wordform"], 'e$' ) >>> df_lexicon_final_e = df_lexicon[ words_ending_with_e ] ''' if method=="contains": if not isinstance(pattern,str): raise ValueError("df_filter 'contains' method needs string as pattern.") condition = df_column.str.contains(pattern, na=False) elif method=="match": if not isinstance(pattern,str): raise ValueError("df_filter 'match' method needs string as pattern.") condition = df_column.str.match(pattern, na=False) elif method=="isin": if not isinstance(pattern,set): raise ValueError("df_filter 'isin' method needs set as pattern.") condition = df_column.isin(pattern) elif method=="interval": if not (isinstance(pattern, list) and len(pattern)==2): raise ValueError("df_filter 'interval' method needs a list consisting of a lower and upper boundary as pattern.") val_from = pattern[0] val_to = pattern[1] if val_from is None and val_to is None: raise ValueError("Lower boundary or upper boundary of interval should be given.") col_numeric = df_column.astype('int32') if val_from: condition_from = (col_numeric >= int(val_from)) condition = condition_from if val_to: condition_to = (col_numeric <= int(val_to)) condition = condition_to if val_from and val_to: condition = condition_from & condition_to else: raise ValueError("Choose one of 'contains', 'match', 'isin' or 'interval' as method for df_filter.") return condition
[docs]def join_df(df_arr, join_type=None): ''' This function joins two dataframes (=concat along axis 1) Args: df_arr: array of Pandas DataFrames join_type: {inner, outer (default)} Returns: a single Pandas DataFrame >>> new_df = join_df( [dataframe1, dataframe2] ) >>> display_df(new_df) ''' # ref: if join_type is None: concat_df = pd.concat( df_arr, axis=1, sort=False ) else: concat_df = pd.concat( df_arr, axis=1, join=join_type, sort=False ) return concat_df
[docs]def column_difference(df_column1, df_column2): ''' This function computes differences and similarities between two Pandas DataFrames Args: df_column1: a Pandas DataFrame, filtered by one column df_column2: a Pandas DataFrame, filtered by one column Returns: diff_left: array of words only in df_column1 diff_right: array of words only in df_column2 intersec: array of words both in df_column1 and df_column2 >>> diff_left, diff_right, intersec = column_difference(df_corpus1["word 1"], df_corpus2["word 1"]) >>> display( 'These words are only in DataFrame #1 : ' + ", ".join(diff_left) ) >>> display( 'These words are only in DataFrame #2 : ' + ", ".join(diff_right) ) >>> display( 'These words are common to both DataFrame : ' + ", ".join(intersec) ) ''' set_df1 = set(df_column1) set_df2 = set(df_column2) diff_left = set_df1.difference(set_df2) diff_right = set_df2.difference(set_df1) intersec = set_df1.intersection(set_df2) return diff_left, diff_right, intersec
[docs]def get_rank_diff(df1, df2, index=None, label1='rank_1', label2='rank_2'): ''' This function compares the rankings of words common to two dataframes, and compute a rank_diff, in such a way that one can see which words are very frequent in one set and rare in the other. Args: df1: a Pandas DataFrame provided with rankings stored in a column "rank" (see example) df2: a Pandas DataFrame provided with rankings stored in a column "rank" (see example) index (Optional): name of the column to be used as index (usually: the lemmata column) label1 (Optional): output column name for the ranks of the items of df1 label2 (Optional): output column name for the ranks of the items of df2 Returns: a Pandas DataFrame with lemmata (index), ranks of both input dataframes (label1 and label2) and the rank_diff ('rank_diff' column). >>> df_frequency_list1 = get_frequency_list(corpus_to_search1) >>> df_frequency_list2 = get_frequency_list(corpus_to_search2) >>> df_rankdiffs = get_rank_diff(df_frequency_list1, df_frequency_list2) ''' check_valid_df("get_rank_diff", df1) check_valid_df("get_rank_diff", df2) if index is not None: # df1 = df1.set_index(index, drop=True) df2 = df2.set_index(index, drop=True) # Find lemmata shared by both dataframes: computing ranks diffs is only possible # when dealing with lemmata which are in both frames lemmata_list1 = set(df1.index.tolist()) lemmata_list2 = set(df2.index.tolist()) common_lemmata_list = list( lemmata_list1.intersection(lemmata_list2) ) # Build dataframes limited to the common lemmata limited_df1 = df1.loc[ common_lemmata_list , : ] limited_df2 = df2.loc[ common_lemmata_list , : ] # Recompute ranks in both dataframes, because in each frame the original ranks were # computed with a lemmata list which might be larger than the lemmata list common # to both dataframes limited_df1['rank'] = limited_df1['token count'].rank(ascending = False).astype(int) limited_df2['rank'] = limited_df2['token count'].rank(ascending = False).astype(int) # Instantiate a dataframe for storing lemmata and rank diffs df_rankdiffs = pd.DataFrame(index=common_lemmata_list, columns=[label1, label2, 'rank_diff']) = 'lemmata' df_rankdiffs[label1] = limited_df1['rank'] df_rankdiffs[label2] = limited_df2['rank'] df_rankdiffs['rank_diff'] = pd.DataFrame.abs( df_rankdiffs[label1] - df_rankdiffs[label2] ) return df_rankdiffs
[docs]def get_relfreq_diff(df1, df2, index=None, label1='relfreq_1', label2='relfreq_2', operation="division", N=1): ''' This function compares the rankings of words common to two dataframes, and compute a rank_diff, in such a way that one can see which words are very frequent in one set and rare in the other. Args: df1: a Pandas DataFrame provided with relative frequency stored in a column "perc" (see example) df2: a Pandas DataFrame provided with relative frequency stored in a column "perc" (see example) index (Optional): name of the column to be used as index (usually: the lemmata column) label1 (Optional): output column name for the relative frequency of the items of df1 label2 (Optional): output column name for the relative frequency of the items of df2 operation (optional): 'division' for dividing relative frequencies by eachother, 'subtraction' for subtracting relative frequencies from eachother. Default 'division' N (optional): smoothing parameter when operation is 'division'. Default 1. Returns: a Pandas DataFrame with lemmata (index), ranks of both input dataframes ('rank_1' and 'rank_2' columns) and the rank_diff ('rank_diff' column). >>> df_frequency_list1 = get_frequency_list(corpus_to_search1) >>> df_frequency_list2 = get_frequency_list(corpus_to_search2) >>> df_rankdiffs = get_rank_diff(df_frequency_list1, df_frequency_list2) ''' check_valid_df("get_rank_diff", df1) check_valid_df("get_rank_diff", df2) if index is not None: # df1 = df1.set_index(index, drop=True) df2 = df2.set_index(index, drop=True) # Find lemmata shared by both dataframes: computing diffs is only possible # when dealing with lemmata which are in both frames lemmata_list1 = set(df1.index.tolist()) lemmata_list2 = set(df2.index.tolist()) union_lemmata_list = list( lemmata_list1.union(lemmata_list2) ) difference_list = list( lemmata_list1.symmetric_difference(lemmata_list2) ) # Build dataframes limited to the common lemmata limited_df1 = df1.reindex(union_lemmata_list) limited_df2 = df2.reindex(union_lemmata_list) # Recompute ranks in both dataframes, because in each frame the original ranks were # computed with a lemmata list which might be larger than the lemmata list common # to both dataframes #limited_df1['rank'] = limited_df1['token count'].rank(ascending = False).astype(int) #limited_df2['rank'] = limited_df2['token count'].rank(ascending = False).astype(int) # Instantiate a dataframe for storing lemmata and rank diffs df_relfreq_diffs = pd.DataFrame(index=union_lemmata_list, columns=[label1, label2, 'relfreq_diff']) = 'lemmata' df_relfreq_diffs[label1] = limited_df1['perc'] df_relfreq_diffs[label2] = limited_df2['perc'] df_relfreq_diffs = df_relfreq_diffs.fillna(0) if operation == "division": df_relfreq_diffs['relfreq_diff'] = (df_relfreq_diffs[label1] + N) / (df_relfreq_diffs[label2] +N) elif operation=="subtraction": df_relfreq_diffs['relfreq_diff'] = df_relfreq_diffs[label1] - df_relfreq_diffs[label2] return df_relfreq_diffs