Source code for chaininglib.ui.dfui

import ipywidgets as widgets
from pathlib import Path
from IPython.display import Javascript, display
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML   # print HTML
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # display_df
import re
import chaininglib.utils.dfops as dfops
#from ipyupload import FileUpload
import json
import pandas as pd

[docs]def create_save_dataframe_ui(df, filename=None): ''' This function builds a GUI for saving the results of some lexicon or corpus query to a .csv file. One can use load_dataframe(filepath) to reload the results later on. Args: df: a Pandas DataFrame filename (Optional): a filename Returns: N/A ''' dfops.check_valid_df("create_save_dataframe_ui", df) # build ui for saving results default_filename = 'mijn_resultaten.csv' if filename is None else re.sub('[\W_]+', '_', filename)+".csv" saveResultsCaption = widgets.Label(value='Sla uw resultaten op:') fileNameField = widgets.Text(value=default_filename) savebutton = widgets.Button( description='Bestand opslaan', disabled=False, button_style='warning', tooltip=default_filename, # trick to pass filename to button widget icon='' ) # inject dataframe into button object savebutton.df = df # when the user types a new filename, it will be passed to the button tooltip property straight away fileNameLink = widgets.jslink((fileNameField, 'value'), (savebutton, 'tooltip')) # click event with callback savebutton.on_click( _button_save_dataframe ) saveResultsBox = widgets.HBox([saveResultsCaption, fileNameField, savebutton]) display(saveResultsBox)
def _button_save_dataframe(button): fileName = button.tooltip # The result files can be saved locally or on the server: # If result files are to be offered as downloads, set to True; otherwise set to False #fileDownloadable = False # specify paths here, if needed: filePath_onServer = '' # could be /path/to filePath_default = '' # compute full path given chosen mode #fullFileName = (filePath_onServer if fileDownloadable else filePath_default ) + fileName fullFileName = filePath_default + fileName try: save_dataframe(button.df, fullFileName) button.button_style = 'success' button.icon = 'check' # trick: # if (fileDownloadable): # downloadableFiles = FileLinks(filePath_onServer) # display(downloadableFiles) except Exception as e: button.button_style = 'danger' raise ValueError("An error occured when saving " + fileName + ": "+ str(e))
[docs]def save_dataframe(df, fileName, as_latex=False): ''' This functions saves a Pandas DataFrame to a csv file on the server, containing the index of the DataFrame as column in the file. Args: df: a Pandas DataFrame filepath: output path to the Pandas DataFrame (.csv) >>> df_corpus = load_dataframe(df, '/path/to/mijn_resultaten.csv') ''' if as_latex: df.to_csv( fileName, index=True, float_format='%.3f', line_terminator="\\\\\n", sep="&") else: df.to_csv( fileName, index=True) # confirm it all went well print(fileName + " saved")
[docs]def load_dataframe(filepath): ''' This functions (re)loads some previously saved Pandas DataFrame Args: filepath: path to the saved Pandas DataFrame (.csv) Returns: a Pandas DataFrame representing the content of the file >>> df_corpus = load_dataframe('mijn_resultaten.csv') >>> display_df(df_corpus, labels="Results:") ''' try: df = pd.read_csv(filepath) print(filepath + " loaded successfully") except Exception as e: raise ValueError("An error occured when loading " + filepath + ": "+ str(e)) finally: return df
""" def get_uploader(accept='', multiple=False, disabled=False, style_button='', compress_level=0): ''' This function returns an file browser for upload. Args: accept: file type, eg. '.txt', '.pdf', 'image/*', 'image/*,.pdf' multiple: True to accept multiple files upload else False disabled: True to disable the button else False to enable it style_button: CSS compress_level: compress level from 0 [No compression] to 9 [max], to compress data from browser to kernel Returns: a uploader, ready to be displayed >>> uploader = get_uploader() >>> display(uploader) In a following cell, one will be able to retrieve the uploaded file(s) with function get_uploaded_files() ''' # return FileUpload( accept, multiple, disabled, style_button, compress_level ) def get_uploaded_files(uploader): ''' This function returns a list of files, when those have been uploaded with get_uploader() Args: uploader: a file uploader, generated with get_uploader() Returns: a list of dictionaries, one for each uploaded file, consisting of a 'filename' key and a 'content' key >>> updated_files = get_uploaded_files(uploader) >>> for one_file in updated_files: >>> print('uploaded file: ' + one_file['filename']) >>> print('content: ' + one_file['content']) ''' # jsonObject = uploader.value output = [] # print the keys and values for key in jsonObject: value = jsonObject[key] output.append({'filename':key, 'content':value['content'].decode("utf-8") }) return output """
[docs]def display_df(dfs, labels=None, mode='table', index=None): ''' This function shows the content of one or more Pandas DataFrames. When dealing with more DataFrames, those should be part of a dictionary associating labels (eg. corpus or lexicon names) to DataFrames (values). Args: results: a Pandas DataFrames, or a dictionary of Pandas DataFrames labels: a label, or a list of labels corresponding to the Pandas DataFrames in the first parameter mode (Optional): way of displaying, one of 'table' (default) or 'chart' index (Optional): name of a column to be used as Y-axis (index) in a horizontal chart Returns: N/A >>> # call with a single pattern >>> df_corpus = create_corpus(corpus_to_search).pattern(some_query).search().kwic() >>> display_df(df_corpus) >>> # call with a list of pattern >>> list_of_queries = [ corpus_query(lemma=syn) for syn in syn_list ] >>> result_dict = create_corpus(corpus).pattern(list_of_queries).search().kwic() >>> display_df(result_dict, labels=list(syn_list)) ''' if type(dfs) is dict: assert len(labels)==len(dfs) for n,query in enumerate(dfs): df = dfs[query] if not df.empty: _display_single_df(df, labels[n], mode) else: dfops.check_valid_df("display_df", dfs) _display_single_df(dfs, labels, mode, index)
def _display_single_df(df_column, label, mode, index=None): # chart mode if mode == 'chart': # set a given column as an index (Y-axis), if provided by the user if index is not None: df_column = df_column.set_index(index) # build a horizontal chart df_column.plot.barh().set_title(label) # table mode (default) else: if label is not None: display(HTML("<b>%s</b>" % label)) display(df_column) # eventually, give UI to save data create_save_dataframe_ui(df_column, label)